Tuesday, 11 June 2013

Highlighting and Coloring my Sisterlocks

So I decided to color my hair again...and this time with highlights!!!
I bought two boxes of Softsheen Carson, Dark And Lovely- Golden Blonde(Go Intense! #10).

....and for my highlights:- Basic White Hair bleaching powder and hydrogen peroxide developer:
Steps I took to complete this process:
1.  I sectioned my hair in a number of rows as shown below.  This would allow me to manipulate the highlighted locks more easily:

2.  I selected the locks from each row that I wanted to highlight, and then applied the mixture of Basic White and hydrogen peroxide developer to them using the application brush and foil paper to wrap.
3.  I left it in for about ten minutes, then checked each to see if I have achieved the color that I want.

4. I then washed each row out, one at a time.  Used shampoo, and then I applied some conditioner (from the dark and lovely package). I made bantoo knots (chiney bumps) without washing out the conditioner.

5.  I wrapped the highlighted locks in foil paper, to protect them from the color I was about to apply to the rest of my hair.

6.  The dark and lovely color was then applied.  I used the application brush to apply it to the roots...then used theapplicator  bottle for the ends.

7.  See color fully applied below to front section only:

Left it in for 30 minutes. I timed each section section separately, so I started to wash out one section before the other was completed. By the time I finished washing one section the other would be completed.

All done finally!!!!

Bantu knots for the beach.....

Before shots......

Finished product below !!!!

I just love it, if I can say so myself!!!! Check out my video please!!

Wednesday, 20 March 2013

Thinking of Getting Sisterlocks?......

Ok...so you are thinking about getting sisterlocks?
First of all you need to do your research to determine if sisterlocks is right for you.  The internet is a good source as well as youtube.
The sisterlocks hair system requires you to follow specific set of rules and guidelines in your journey, in order to achieve that specific 'sisterlock look'. For instance, in the early stages, you cannot use anything in your hair except shampoo and water. No oils, conditioner, moisturizers etc., as this will hamper the locking process and produce undesirable results. If you are not a person to stick to these specific guidelines then perhaps a different hair locking system may suit you.
(Types of Locks) So... do your research....

To install sisterlocks, you will need a trained/certified sisterlock consultant, who should you should make an appointment with to tell you all about sisterlock and help you determine whether it is what you want, for you and your lifestyle.

Installation of Sisterlocks is offered in a package of 3 visits:

1. The Sisterlocks Consultation
2. The Locking Session (may be divided into two to reduce client's sitting time).
3. The follow-up retightening session (generally done after 2 shampooings or so)

(See Excerpt from the sisterlocks website below:) 

First Visit: The Consultation
During this session you and your Consultant will discuss your personal hair care history, your styling preferences and your lifestyle in order to determine if Sisterlocks is right for you. You will also have "TEST LOCKS" put in your hair to see if they will hold, check sizes, amount of scalp showing, settling-in time, etc. This consultation is essential for both you and your Consultant to ensure you get your Sisterlocks done in the most suitable way.

Sisterlock Installation night

Second Visit: The Locking Session
Bring a good book because the locking process can take from 10-20 hours or even longer in some cases. The average Sisterlocks customer will leave this session with an average of 400 locks and a whole new attitude! Your Consultant will provide you with a "Starter Kit" that includes the proper shampoo for starting your locks, tiny rubber bands and "tip sheets" on grooming and shampooing as your locks settle in. Be sure to schedule your follow-up visit before you leave. Good maintenance is the key to gorgeous Sisterlocks over time.

An hour after sisterlock installation....

Third Visit: Follow-up
You will need to schedule your follow-up visit after at least two shampooings, which is usually within one month from the time you first get your locks put in. Your Consultant will monitor the integrity of your locks, tighten them up and give you an idea of how long the settling-in process is likely to take. You can also begin discussing styling tips for the 'total look' that's right for you!

My first shampoo 2 weeks after installation
 (My sisterlock  consultant braiding and banding my hair)

Ongoing Follow-up Visits
We recommend that you schedule your first few re-tightening visits at 4-6 week intervals. This way the progress of your locks can be monitored. As your locks mature, your Consultant will be able to determine how often you will need to come in for retightenings on a regular basis. The average time between visits is 4-8 weeks, depending on the hair type and rate of growth

Thursday, 14 March 2013

What is Sisterlocks?

Sisterlocks are tiny uniform locks that are the result of a precision parting grid, and the use of a specialized tool used to place the hair into its locking formation. 
The Sisterlocks method does not require the use of waxes or jells.It is a natural hair management system that allows women with tightly textured hair, to take advantage of a wide range of today's hairstyles without having to alter the natural texture of their hair.

Sisterlocks is a trademark company founded in 1993 by Dr. JoAnne Cornwell.  The company has developed an innovative approach to marketing its natural hair care system to African American women. The company motto says it all: “Sisterlocks is not about a hairstyle, it’s about a lifestyle.”

Sisterlocks invites women who are interested in self-empowerment and cultural self expression, to embrace a natural hair care system that is self-affirming and truly gorgeous. ( http://www.sisterlocks.com/about-us.html ).

>Sisterlocks Beginnings<                               >Thinking about getting Sisterlocks?<